My name is Manoj Kumar
A Software Engineer with close to 2+ years of experience in designing, developing efficient and optimal production ready code. I specialize in building full stack solutions using DotNet Core, ASP.NET Web API for Backend and feature rich modern responsive user Interfaces using Angular and React.
I'm currently working as a Associate Software Engineer at Commonwealth Bank
My first job was at Capgemini where i started as software engineer right out of college with little to no exposure of software development life cycle to become Associate Consultant managing multiple internal projects developing new features, leading and mentoring a small team of junior developers to delivering highly critical client projects.
Outside of work, I spend time watching videos about AI and ML, learning new technologies, working on side projects and also enjoy playing basketball outdoor. I often enjoy playing video games. I am planning to buy Nintendo switch to play my all time favorite game series - Legend of Zelda.
I used to do painting and drawings. I am now itching to get back and do some amazing drawings.